Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Few Thoughts ...Someone Has To Say Them

By Tom Morrow

  Here's a few of my musings ... for whatever they're worth.

  Why are we getting involved in the Syrian mess? Which side are we going to "rescue?" The Syrian dictator in charge is backed by the Russians, Iranians and Hezbolah; the opposing forces are a combination of Al Qaida, and other Islamist factions. All of them hate the U.S., and all other "infidels." We have enough of our troops bleeding in other parts of the Middle East.
  Why must we always be the world's police -- the first responders? Some 190 member countries of the UN voted with us on the so-called "Red Line" issue of Syria using chemical weapons. Other than Britain, I don't see any of them jumping in to help settle this mess.


  Tell me the logic of having bicyclists ride in the same direction as motor traffic? When I was growing up we were taught to walk and ride our bikes "facing" traffic. At least you had a chance to get out of the way if a car was coming close to hitting you. What numb-skull did away with that logic?

  That's enough belly-aching for today...

Stay tuned...there will be more in days to come.

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