Sunday, September 29, 2013

Random Thoughts From a Frazzled Mind

By Tom Morrow

  A Republican friend of mine recently sent a scathing e-mail to his Congressman, blasting the lack of compromise and progress in Washington, D.C. My friend pointed out: "You don't represent the Republican Party, rather you represent me, the taxpayer."

  TOO MUCH TOO SOON? -- There's a lot of positive goals for the so-called "ObamaCare" program, but it is obvious that proponents supporting the President were in such a hurry to get this into the law books careful planning to overcome unforeseen problems is sorely lacking. Whether we like it or not, ObamaCare is the law of the land. However, to what degree that law could or will be adjusted in the coming months or years can only be speculated. Better planning was needed two years ago for implementation. It should at least be put into force in small steps. This is obvious no matter which side of the issue you're on.

  DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH -- With the 2014 elections a year away, I wouldn't worry about the government shutting down -- or if it does, it won't last very long. The Republicans are hoping to hold onto the House and pick-up those five or six needed Senate seats to control the Congress. Voters have a long memory, or at least one that probably will last until next November. It's fairly obvious that Republicans would be further ahead if they just quit being the problem and try to compromise some solutions. Some simple good public relations will be better remembered come election time.

  MY CRYSTAL BALL -- Anyone who doesn't think Hillary Clinton will run for President in 2016, is not paying attention. Given the almost certainty she will be the Dems flag-bearer, the GOP needs to come to grips that they don't have any real star among their male sector, but they have at least two female governors who could be very interesting and formidable candidates to head the ticket for both President and Veep. They are South Carolina's Gov. Nicci Haley and New Mexico's Gov. Susana Martinez. These two women would be attractive alternatives to Hillary for those who don't like her; those who think it's time for a woman in the White House, but not Hillary; and providing a candidate that will be attractive to the growing ethnic population. Governor Halley's parents immigrated from Punjab, India before her birth in South Carolina; Governor Martinez was born in El Paso to a middle-class Mexican-American family and worked her way through college.

   INTERESTING BOTTOM LINE -- Hilary and Susana both have law degrees; Nicci has a degree in accounting. Susana is a strong advocate of the 2nd Amendment because she carried a .357 magnum as she patrolled for an El Paso security company while working her way through college; Nicci was an executive as she helped grow a multi-million dollar family clothing firm. On the other hand, Hilary knows where all the light switches are in the White House.

   The next presidential election could be an interesting page in American history.

Stay tuned...

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